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To Break or Not to Break?

Whether the end of a semester or holidays, no matter the occasion, all welcomed by the student. This time away from school allows you to poke your head out of your academic hole and say hello to your family and friends. It is the chance to relax and catch up on sleep or it the time to get caught up on more work?

If the reading list had been handing out early, I always took time during my vacations to get ahead even st by a week. The reading alone takes hours to get ahead even just by a week. The assigned reading alone takes hours to go through and outline especially the weeks when you count up the reading pages and realize there was over a hundred. During shorter one week breaks, like Thanksgiving or Spring break those were most often my time to get caught up, with reading, writing a paper, or some other project.

I would work the three months of summer to catch up on bills. It’s funny the time you gain when you are only working full time. The summer was more of my get acquainted with friends time. Barbecues, picnics, parties I loved the summers. Many of my classmates traveled during all of the school breaks. Some got married during the summer break, she regretted it, she said it’s too much work between preparing and the end of the semester One girl was six months pregnant coming into out first semester she scheduled to be induced for Thanksgiving break and came back the next week.

The vacations and time away from school is a convenient time for relaxation as well as catching up on work. There is no one way to answer which is best for you. Each method has there pros and cons. Which way do you spend your break away from school, getting ahead or relaxing?

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