Category Archives: Uncategorized

Self Care and the Nurse at Work

Originally this article was going to be self-care and the nurse, but as I outline my ideas, I realized that they could break up into at home [...]

Breaking down the question

***This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll ge [...]

3 Times I have broken down at work

I love nursing. I love the team that I work with at the hospital. But I would be lying if I said there weren’t some bad shifts mixed i [...]

The Anatomy of a Code

The last code I was involved in wasn’t my parent. I was outside the room, documenting in the hallway. The patient’s significant [...]

To Break or Not to Break?

Whether the end of a semester or holidays, no matter the occasion, all welcomed by the student. This time away from school allows you to pok [...]

When to ask the right questions

Communication is a skill that the nurse needs to have in their toolbox. The ability to connect to the patient establishes a great nurse-pati [...]

Being Perceived Effectively Part 2

Communication for the nurse is as important as any other skill.  Just think about it, you have a patient who is post-op; they have not urin [...]

Caffeine, the how

Each night at work a favorite time amongst most of my co-worker is that ten o’clock hour when medications are complete, and someone st [...]

Studying for Finals

The end of a semester is always a bitter-sweet time.  A sweet time, to rejoice at the end of a semester while looking forward to the one or [...]

Trust Your Gut

Have you ever had that gnawing feeling that something’s not right? Your stomach twist, although there is not one particular thing that jum [...]
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