Nursing School as an Adult Nursing Student Studying for Nursing School

Tips and Tricks to Writing Notes Part 2


The several notebooks purchased and filled during nursing school was more than any other degree I ever completed.  Each week included hours of note taking, reading, then going through and adding to the handwritten notes until they were complete.

#1 Read  in Sections

I use to take notes almost line by line while reading.  This method leads to almost copying the textbook word for word.  Unless you come across a bolded word or an unknown word, as discussed in part one, read in sections.  Either read a full subtopic, if the article is to long read a few paragraphs or a  column than in your words as simple, short, and sweet as you summarize the passage read, the central concept and ideas.  The textbook is filled with so much information its really about choosing the right information, the most useful information. Remember you are not rewriting the book.

#2 Take breaks

Breaks are so important in keeping your sanity.  Even if you are not the type of student who spends all their time studying, nursing school will guarantee either long study sessions or all-nighters.  Pick out milestones, each time you reach a certain point, get a snack or drink, go to the bathroom and stretch.  Your mind and body will be refreshed.  When you sit down to the next milestone, it will be easier to get back to work.  Without breaks you will find reading will become increasingly harder, your eyes will become more tired, and your hands will cramp up.  Trust me I tried the marathon method without breaks.

#3 Color Code your Notes

When writing notes use your colored pens or highlighters.  So that either when you are initially writing or reviewing notes color code the information. It will depend on the class; Med-Surg, Pharmacology, or Theory.  Med-Surg may be divided into symptoms, patient teachings, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and nursing intervention.  Either highlight or color will make the information easier to find and study.

These are only some of my own personal tips when taking notes.  Are there any tips you’ve discovered in your studies?



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