Personal Experience Stress-Free Nursing The Nurse

5 Items to use at Work


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The items you bring to work does not necessarily all help with patient care; there are items that nurses should bring with them to take care of themselves.

#1 Hand Lotion

Every time you enter and exit a room you, “foam in and out,” don’t forget the random hand washing to wash away the film from either the foam or the alcohol sanitizer.  Then you wash our hands after using the restroom and before and after you eat.  Every time you pass a sink you are washing your hand.  Are the sanitizer and handwashing causing your hands to become dry and cracked?  Hand lotion to be applied during and after your shift will help to keep your hands from becoming dry.  In a hospital setting in direct contact with patients, you want to stay away from scented lotions.  Patients are sick and sensitive to smells, could make them nauseated or give them a headache.  I recommend a non-scented lotion during the shift, and I always have a fragranced lotion for after my 12-hours.
Gloves In A Bottle Shielding Lotion
Aveeno Skin Relief Intense Moisture Hand Cream
Bath & Body Works Shea and Vitamin E Body Lotion

Gloves in a Bottle is a new lotion that has been brought to my attention, a co-worker of mine uses it and loves it, I have not used it but wanted to add it based on their recommendation.  

#2 Compression Socks

A 12-hour shift, according to my pedometer I walk at least four to five miles at work.  Being on your feet for long periods of time will lead to edema and eventually varicose veins.  One method to help with circulation are compression socks.
Physix Gear Compression Socks
A-Swift Compression Socks in different patterns

#3 Lunch and Snacks

Lunch might be a little different if you are a day shifter of night shifter, depending on the hours of the cafeteria.  When I come onto the hospital floor, the cafeteria is only open for another hour and does not reopen until the night before I leave.  My choices are to either pack a lunch, go without anything or raid the e\vending machine.  I bring lunch and since I have three days in a row I usually make three dinners at a time for the entire week.
Meal Prep Containers
Lunch Box
A protein snack

#4 Essential Oils

At home, I use an essential oil infuser.  There have been nights when a nurse has used an infuser work in a small area.  That is one option, but what I’ve done and others have shown me, is to place a drop in a mask.  The oil will help cover up smells or at least will make the experience of wearing a mask much better.  I love a drop of peppermint, only a drop placed near the chin of the mask.
Essential Oil Starter Set
Essential Oil Diffuser
Peppermint Essential Oil

#5 Gel Insole

Sometimes buying good sneakers isn’t all that work, your feet will hurt.  Try using the gel insoles.  They help to give your feet a little bit more cushion.  They work as a great addition to add to your shoes.
Trek Support Gel Insole
Dr. Scholl’s Comfort and Energy Messaging Gel Insoles

Everyone has an item they can’t leave at home.  These are a few of my items that have found a pot in my work bag.

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