Nursing School as an Adult Nursing Student Nursing Student Life Preparing for Nursing School

Support Systems during nursing school


There are essentials that a student will need in nursing school, whether a specific book, a stethoscope, a phone app or another type of tool. One item is guaranteed for the student to stay sane and make it through nursing school, a reliable support system is a must. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a support system as “a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support.” My first week of school before the class on hand hygiene we were asked to write out a weekly schedule. The schedule had to include blocks of time for lectures, clinical, sleeping, studying, and other obligations. This activity brought to light how intense this program can be, then we were also instructed to write down any all strong support systems and identify the people in them.

What makes a good support system.

A good support system is a group or individual that understands the person’s situation and scenario to help the person achieve their goals. When the student nurse becomes stressed out a good support person will listen, this alone will decrease the anxiety, if applicable dispense some advice. During exams or projects allow the person to have time alone to complete the project or study time to read and take notes. Every day during the two to four-year program daily chores and the task will need to be picked up, the kids need to be picked up from work, dishes, vacuuming, and laundry. A support system puts in the extra time and effort to make daily life a little easier for the student, the extra effort will pay off in the long run and lead to the start of a great career.

Who can make up a support system?

Anyone can make up a support person. Usually, the support systems that are seen the most include friends, family, and classmates. If support is found in all three aspects of the student’s life, this will make the difference for that student, just a little bit better as far as the quality of life during nursing school. If the structure of support can only be found in one of the aspects, the day to day may be a little difficult, but do-able. The student that does not have a stable support system have increased difficulties during the program. The student with more outside school obligations are the ones that need to have more support. Many former classmates who did not have a reliable support system either failed out or had to drop out because of the difficulties.

It’s important for family and friends to remember that embarking into the nursing program, hours of time will be needed for studying and a good portion of the social event will have to be placed on the back burner. Good family and friend will understand the need to concentrate and study. An excellent built-in support system is your classmates. At least for me my classmates grasped the stressors first hand, they are undergoing the same stress and anxiety, and the help and validation found in your classmate make the difference. If you do see that you are struggling reach out to the professor, the classmates, or other Nursing staff members.


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